Online Form

Questionnaire for Parents

The Questionnaire for Parents is based on the Primary dimensions of quality improvement and accountability in their ward's school.

The Questionnaire contains basic and comprehensive compilation of data about the school based on seven domains of Quality Assurance:

The Questionnaire, consisting of 25 statements collects data on the view point of Parents to school policies and practices. It also seeks information about the availability of innovative learning environment in their ward's school.

Dear Parent,

This Questionnaire is part of research study on quality education. All information collected in this study will be kept confidential.

Kindly do not mention your name on your ward's name. The class and section of your ward may be metioned.

About the Questionnaire

  • This Questionnaire for your opinion about the school education and policy matters.
  • This Questionnaire must be filled in by the Parents only.
  • Please indicate your degree of aggreement against each statement by checking against one of the seven columns: Strongly Agree (SA) 7, Agree (A) 5, Not Sure (NS) 3, Disagree (D) 2, or Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.


As a Parent, I feel that
The school's vision, philosophy and objectives are referred to and reflected in their decisions regarding curriculum, student-teacher development, assessment practices and Innovative Programs *
The Annual Curriculum Plan of the school integrates academic, social, physical and emotional needs of the students *
School provides opportunities for continuous development and capacity building of students through effective implementation of CCE and other good practices *
Teachers use a wide range of strategies/methods/innovations to cover diverse learning styles to make the concepts understandable *
School provides adequate opportunities for sports, games and fitness activities *
The school has facilities to provide clean drinking water & mid-day meal/ hygiene & nutritious food *
School has adequate medical facilities including nurse/ doctor in campus *
Rest rooms, toilets, laboratory playground, classrooms are clean, airy and well maintained and clean drinking water is available *
There are separate toilets for girls and boys *
Furniture for students is safe, comfortable and age appropriate *
Library is well equipped and has a good collection of books and related material *
School pays attention to conservation of environment and places great emphasis on aestthetics *
The school has provision for differently abled children *
There is a sense of safety and security in the school and regular evacuation/ fire drills for disaster management are carried out *
Principal / Head is approachable and accessible and believes in building partnerships *
Curriculum prepares students for lifelong learning and being global citizens by equipping them with Life Skills and positive attitude *
School provides adequate opportunities for students to participate in literary and scientific endeavors both inside and outside the school *
The school encourages all students to participate in Health and Wellness Club/ Eco Club / Literary Club/ Heritage Club etc. *
Parents are well informed about the student's school records (FAs and SAs) at regular intervals *
School has appropriately qualified & experienced Counsellor *
Workshops/ Seminars are arranged to enhance Skill Development/ Life Skills amongst the students *
The Teachers demonstrates fairness ad objectivity *
The admission and other administrative procedures of the school are fair, objective and transparent *
Equal opportunities are given to all the students *
Capabilities and potential of the students are recognized and further groomed by the School for reaching optimum levels *
School Details
Date of filling the Questionnaire *
Place *
Other Details
Name of School *
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