

Fees will be collected at the School premises between 9.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. on dates notified and can be remitted online by using student login option available on school website www.svisgdelhi.com

  1. Parents are requested to pay the School Fees upto 15th of every quarter.
  2. Rs. 10/- per day fine will be charged till the date of deposit if not paid by due date (from 16th of every quarter.
  3. Cheque returned by Bank for any reason will be treated as non-payment. New payment to be made by pay order only together with penalty of Rs. 250/-.
  4. The Draft/Cheque should bear the child’s Name, Class and Section, Admission Number on the reverse. Fees will not be accepted without these particulars.
  5. Fee Invoice, if lost can be printed again by using student login option available on school website www.svisgdelhi.com.
  6. Fees once deposited will not be refunded in any case.
  7. If paid annually, till 30th April a rebate of 2% on tuition fees will be allowed.


Payment to be made by Draft/Cheque/online. Cheque/Draft should be drawn in favour of “Sadhu Vaswani International School for Girls”. Outstation cheques, Non CTS Cheques and cheques of non-clearing banks and branches will not be accepted by the bank.


A written notice must be given, one calendar month in advance; otherwise the fee for one month in lieu of the notice period will be charged.
For withdrawal in April, fees of May and June will also be charged. No transfer certificates will be issue until all the school dues are cleared.
A fee of Rs. 50/- will be charged for issue of duplicate copy of the Transfer Certificate after the parent submits and affidavit about the loss of the original certificate.

FEE STRUCTURE  (2024 - 25)


You Are Visitor Number 843311